Asbestos rubber sheet in which the structure of dense, good pressure, good heat resistance, and valves in the valve itself and the pipe flange connection, the use of a wide range. 其中石棉橡胶板结构致密,耐压性能好,耐温性能也很好,在阀门本身和阀门与管子的法兰连接中,使用极为广泛。
Asbestos rubber gaskets for steel pipe flanges with raised face GB/T9126.2-1988凸面型钢制管法兰用石棉橡胶垫片
With asbestos cement mortar pipe being used as inner liner, concrete is cast to form hollow slab. 以石棉水泥砂浆离心管作为内模衬管,浇筑混凝土后构成现浇混凝土空心板。
A semi-circular asbestos plate as obstacle was arranged in the closed explosion pipe to study the influence of obstacle on the explosion pressure. 在管道内布置半圆形石棉板作为障碍物,探讨了障碍物对爆炸压力上升过程的影响。